So the photo I took of the Tribune Tower is in "The Loupe" on - please go vote for it here!
I was downtown yesterday for an event and took some architectural shots of the Wrigley Building and Tribune Tower. I took all of them with my Tokina 11-16mm - a great super wide angle lens that really captures straight lines well. The picture above, of Tribune tower, was edited in Photoshop. Here is a simple 5-step process to get this type of photo:
Look familiar? This photo reminded me a lot of the photos I took down at Lake Gaston, NC. The photographer, macindows, captures the setting sun over the silhouetted treeline perfectly - much sharper than my images. He may have had better light, or maybe he didn't take this on a rocking boat like I did, but either way, its a fantastic shot! Head over to for more.
It’s been quite a while since Motorola had a phone worth buying, but the CLIQ may be the end to their drought. When it comes to consumer phones nowadays, there are three types of people: dumbphone people, iPhone people, and other-smartphone people. I think it’s safe to assume most of you don’t really care about dumbphones. That being said, if you like the iPhone, go get an iPhone, but if you don’t really want an iPhone, consider the Motorola CLIQ for these reasons…
I found this photo on Digg, and man did it blow me away. Head over to the photographer's gallery site to see more of his work here.
The colors in this image are outstanding, and I love the reflection on the water. The juxtaposition of the industrial-looking drainage pipes with the vibrant colors of nature is just outstanding. I would imagine this shot was taken with a wide-angle lens and a tripod, but according to the photographer, the most difficult part of getting this shot was avoiding the mosquitos!
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After installing Snow Leopard on my Macbook Pro, I immediately noticed problems with iPhoto '09. What I normally do when backing up my computer is copy the iPhoto package file over to my external hard drive. Once I've reinstalled the OS, I simply drag the iPhoto package file back onto my Macbook Pro. In the past, this worked great, but with Snow Leopard, I definitely had issues. If you encountered this problem, this information will be useful to you…